Police officers in Limuru this morning (September 10, 2019) rescued a newborn baby who had been dumped in a pit latrine in Kabuku village, Limuru.

Responding to distress calls from locals after the baby’s presence in the pit latrine was made, three police officers from the Majiri-Kabuku police post, arrived at the scene.

Corporal Gabriel Akwalu and Police Constables Kimeu and Mwendwa dug around the latrine’s concrete platform in order to retrieve the baby, whose cries rang out from beneath the ground.

The baby was rushed to the Tigoni sub-county hospital where doctors established that she was not injured.

A 39-year-old woman, a resident of the village, is believed to have delivered the baby nearby before proceeding to dump her in the latrine.

The woman has since been arrested and is in police custody awaiting arraignment in court and possible evaluation of her mental state.


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