This first episode of “Kanjo Kingdom” begins an in-depth investigation into an extortion ring ran by officers from Nairobi City...
Category - Kenya
Stories centred around happenings in Kenya
“To report to who? … This is Kenya my friend.”
– Kanjo Kingdom
These are the questions that we encounter in #KanjoKingdom.
This, a hawker says, is Kenya.What do you say?
Watch a trailer of Africa Uncensored‘s Kanjo Kingdom here:
JAN: “If you could draw a picture of what you felt the moment you received the news, what would it be?” GADO: “I don’t know!” (Chuckles) “ I was...
12:15 PM: It was the kind of heat that should have darkened the complexions of the many brown faces clumped in small groups in the middle of a hot...