This first episode of “Kanjo Kingdom” begins an in-depth investigation into an extortion ring ran by officers from Nairobi City County’s notorious...
Playlist - Kanjo Kingdom
Kibubusa Cha Kanjo ni kisa cha maskani ya wanabiashara wa Nairobi. Tazama:
Every kingdom needs to be organized. How are territories mapped in the #KanjoKingdom?
How is the money collected? Where does it go?
Katika sehemu ya pili ya makala ya ‘Kibubusa Cha Kanjo’ tunaangazia ufisadi wa hali ya juu kando na kufichua sura na majina ya maafisa husikawa baraza la...
USD 11.5 million. It’s a staggering figure. That’s enough to pay the school fees of 811,000 Kenyan Primary School Children for one year… Yet this is...
How do you sustain a million shilling extortion scheme? Through Brutalizing and killing those you wish to extort. That is exactly what our investigation into corruption...
Hii ni sehemu ya tatu ya makala ‘Kibubusa Cha Kanjo’ yanayoangazia dhuluma na ukatili ambao maafisa wa baraza la jiji la Nairobi huwatendea wachuuzi. Kando...
Katika sehemu ya nne na ya mwisho ya ‘Kibubusa Cha Kanjo’, mwanahabari mpekuzi Mohammed Ali anafichua akaunti za siri ambako maafisa fisadi wa Baraza la Jiji...
How do we get the hawkers safe trading spaces? How do we ensure the city inspectorate officers don’t go around as lords of their own? Following the Kanjo Kingdom...