Africa Uncensored’s editorial policy is, simply, The Truth.

We endeavour to be promptly responsive in correcting errors in material published on digital platforms. When we run a correction, our goal is to tell readers as clearly and quickly as possible, what was wrong and what is correct. Anyone should be able to understand how and why a mistake has been corrected. 

We strive to publish accurate information. When mistakes occur, we correct them promptly and transparently. Here’s our process:

Making Corrections

Corrections will include the accurate information. They explain the error, and may restate the error when it’s necessary to clarify what it was or to debunk a claim. 

The correction’s tone will echo the tone of the item, in keeping with its gravity. For a news error, the language may be sober and direct. Corrections on social media may vary in tone, but will be as close as possible to the tone of the original content.

Corrections will be made in plain English, and will not attempt to disguise the correction in a language that appears to shift blame elsewhere. 

If the correction is about a person, we shall do our best to confirm with the person affected before printing it.

What Gets Corrected

Corrections will be made for errors of fact — not misspellings, typos, or broken links. However, a correction will be issued if a person or brand’s name is misspelt throughout a story (even if a name appears only once and is misspelt). In this case, the correction will be stated simply as [person/brand/entity]’s name was misspelt in an earlier version of this post.

Preventing Errors

  • Thoroughness: We strive for accuracy from the start to minimize the need for corrections.
  • Verification for People: We confirm corrections with affected people before publishing.
  • Multi-Channel Correction: We post corrections on all channels where the original content appeared (e.g., tweet a correction for a tweeted story).
  • Editorial Approval: All corrections are reviewed by an editor before publishing.
  • Appreciation for Feedback: We appreciate those who point out errors, even if their comments are critical. We acknowledge them in the correction (e.g., “H/T [username]” for social media corrections).

Substantive Corrections

In the event that we substantively correct an article, photo caption, headline, graphic, video or other material, we shall promptly publish a correction explaining the change.


For factually correct stories with unclear or insufficient explanations, we shall rewrite the language and add a clarification. We may also clarify if we couldn’t get a comment initially but received one later, or if new information changes our account of an event.

Editor’s Notes

For corrections questioning the entire article’s content, raising ethical concerns, or indicating the article didn’t meet our standards, we may use an editor’s note with an explanation. These shall be issued and approved by the Senior Editor.


While we avoid blaming individual reporters or editors (e.g., “reporting error” or “editing error”), we may explain the error as a production issue or incorrect information from a trusted source.

Takedown Requests

As a matter of editorial policy, takedown requests can only be carried out by the Editorial Director. The only consideration for a takedown is legal grounds as stipulated in Kenyan law. We will strive to be transparent in our takedown decisions whenever possible.

In some cases, we may be unable to disclose details due to ongoing legal proceedings or to protect sources.

This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect the changing needs of the organization.

Let the world know:

Eric Mugendi

Eric Mugendi is the Senior Editor at Africa Uncensored. He has a background in journalism, editing, and fact-checking, with a focus on technology and public finance. He previously managed PesaCheck, a fact-checking initiative by Code for Africa, where he commissioned and edited content on the veracity and accuracy of statements by public figures.

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